Thursday, April 13, 2006

Kids and the Truth

Melissa N
Mothers Day
When my daughter Tara was 3 years old, she and her daddy decided to make me a flower bed and plant some flowers to go in it. Tara was so excited to go pick out the flowers that she wanted to plant for me. I wasn’t so excited about it because I have a black thumb and kill every flower I get, but for Tara’s enjoyment I acted like I couldn’t wait for Mothers Day.
Mothers Day came and they made me leave for about two hours so I would be surprised when I came home. When I arrived home they had got the flowerbed done and the flowers planted. Tara had picked out some beautiful flowers. She was so proud of herself for the work her and her daddy had done. It was beautiful.
A week later Tara and I were outside, she was playing in the yard and I was reading the paper. After awhile I heard Tara yelling at the cat and when I looked to see what she was fussing over, she was chasing the cat with the broom. I yelled at her to leave the cat alone and asked why on earth she was trying to hit it with the broom. She said, “do you know what that cat was doing”, I said “no”, she said, “It was trying to use the bathroom in your flower bed”. I couldn’t help to laugh at her and she was destroyed. Tara said “Mom that cat was going to kill your flowers I planted, so now I’m going to kill that crazy old cat”. I told her, "You can’t kill that cat and the cat using the bathroom in the flowerbed will make my flower grow big and beautiful." I hated to lie to her but I was afraid that she would hurt the cat when my back was turned. The next day I would regret telling her a lie.
I had to work and Tara stayed with my mom while I worked. I come home and asked Mom if Tara had behaved that day. She said “You are never going to believe what that child had done today”, I said “knowing Tara it is un telling”, she said “we was outside today and Tara was playing and she disappeared on me, so I went to look for her and I caught her using the bathroom in my flower bed. I asked her” what are you a doing?”She looked at me and said “Mammaw I’m going to make your flowers grow big and beautiful”, I told her “Using the bathroom in the flowers will kill them and she argued with me that you said it will make them grow”. I couldn’t help but to laugh and I had to tell her the whole story.
Here is a good reason to why you shouldn’t lie to your children. I did have to tell her another lie and tell her only animals could use the bathroom in the flowers. Luckily she hasn’t done that no more and she don’t try to kill the cat.


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