Monday, May 08, 2006

Pet Stories

Pet Stories
Around Christmas time, my only child Tara, came to me and asked if I, "would have her a baby brother or sister for Christmas. "I came up with the incredible idea to get her a puppy instead. We went to London Flea Market and bought a toy poodle. She named the little tiny dog, King. King brings Tara a lot of happiness. She always has someone to play with. In some ways they fight like brother and sister. He will go in her room and scatter toys and make the biggest mess everywhere, or so she says, "he’s the one that done it. "If she is asleep on the couch, he will jump up there and lick her face to wake her up. He can really get on her nerves.King is now seven months and Tara is seven years old and they are still a lot of company for each other and they still fight off and on. Wednesday morning Tara was getting ready for school and when she pulled off her pajama top, her brand new earring that she paid for with her own money, flew out of her ear and hit the floor. King saw it fall and before we could grab it, he grabbed it up in his mouth and took off running. We finally caught the dog and he was chewing on it. We tried to hold him down to get it out of his mouth but when we held his head back to get it out, he swallowed it. Tara was disgusted with him.Tara asked, “What do we do now?”I told her that she had to wait until he passed it and then she could get it back. She said “No way, not for no earring." I said I wouldn’t either. She must have changed her mind because this morning when she took King out to use the bathroom, she came back in and said “He didn’t pass it today, but maybe it will be in the next load”. I thought to myself, how gross! I would of never done that and I didn’t think she would either but the earrings she had in, I made her pay for them out of her own money. She said, “I have to get them back I gave a lot of money for them.” I have bought Tara a lot of earrings that were expensive and she kept losing them, This time, I made her buy that pair and as you can see she is more cautious with her things when it comes out of her own money.Stay tuned to find out if Tara found the earrings

Submitted by Melissa
A Quiz on King And The Earring
By Beverly and Wendy
Why did Tara get a dog for Christmas?
What kind of dog was it?
Where did they buy the dog?
What did she name the dog?
What was the main idea of this story?
What did the dog swallow in the story?
Who bought the earrings?
How are they going to get the earring back?
What has Tara learned from this experience?
How would you want this story to end?
Another story about King
Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You
My daughter has a dog and it is the meanest little pup I have ever seen. It bites my daughter all the time. Well, he is my daughter's pet but guess who feeds and takes care of him, ME. One day the dog was chewing on something he wasn’t supposed to and when I went to take it away from him, he tried to bite me. I said “Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You”.
posted by Rockcastle Group at 11:54 AM

How to House Break Your Dog


So you now have become a new owner of a puppy and your'e thinking what a mess I have gotten myself into. Don’t worry I have been in your shoes and I would like to share some ideas on how I housebroke our puppy.
When you buy your pet you need to buy a carrier or a cage to place your pet in at night and through the day. If you use the cage or carrier it teaches them to hold themselves and a dog will not use the bathroom in their bed.
Never let your pet roam from one room to another without supervision. Letting them wander where they want without surveillance they may decide to potty and soil your carpet.
Never leave your pet’s food or water bowl down. I always let my puppy eat twice a day and gave him water about three or four times a day. Then after eating or drinking, immediately take him outside to go to the bathroom.
When I take my pet to the bathroom I always put him on a leash and tell him to go potty and he knows what it means and finds a spot and goes.
Always take your pet out about every two hours even if you have not given him something to eat or drink.
If your puppy gets too disruptive it is o.k to put them in his cage for a nap. Try not to desert your puppy in its cage for more than 8 hours of a night to sleep, and just a couple of hours during the day for a nap.
If your puppy does have a mishap, you should never strike them. You need to tell them NO and put them outside for about 20 min. You need to instantly clean the soil spot with a cleaner. If you don’t clean the spot properly your puppy can smell it and go back to the same spot. If you spank your puppy the next time, they may go and hide to use the bathroom.
If your puppy leaves you a present get it up and take the dog and the present outside and put them both in the grass. The puppy will know thats were he is supposed to use the bathroom.
You can also give your pup a treat every time it uses the bathroom in the accurate spot.
If you are consistent and NEVER leave your pup unaccompanied to stroll through the house, it shouldn’t take any time to house break him.