Monday, July 10, 2006

The Adventures of King the Wonder Poodle

Do Dogs Have Nine Lives too?

I have been wondering if dogs have nine lives like cats. My daughter, Tara has a toy poodle named King and we have had him for almost a year now. King has come close to death four times now and I am wondering how many lives he has left.

The first incident came when King was 7 weeks old. I had asked Tara to take him out to the bathroom and while she had him outside he found some chili that I had cooked that night.Tara must of left her bowl outside. King found it and ate it and it liked to have killed him. He threw up every 15 minutes all night long. I got him in to the vet the next morning , they gave him a shot and told me to give him Pepto-Bismol. After that he quit throwing up but he was lifeless. The next day I called the vet and told them that he was still sick and wouldn’t eat or drink. I had to take him back to the vet and they had to give him stuff to bring his sugar back up. After that he was fine.

The second incident came when King was about 5 months old. I was at the computer doing homework and King was at my feet playing with one of his toys. The next thing I knew he came flying out from under my chair a whining and barking like something had killed him. I first thought was I had run over his paw with my chair, but then I realized I didn’t move my chair. I got under my desk and got to looking what he had done to get hurt and I found it, my fan cord had been chewed almost in two. After I saw what he had done I knew then that he got electrocuted. The next day he had a bald spot on his back as big as a fifty-cent piece. The hair has grown back know but it has grown in brown and he is a white poodle.

The third incident was a couple months later when King was 7 months old. I had taken Tara to catch the bus over at my mom’s house and King wanted to go with us, so we let him. After Tara got on the bus, I was just sitting around talking and I noticed King was acting funny. He was sort of staggering around and he would go get him some dog food and he would chew with his eyes closed. I told my dad that King looked like he was stoned. I told them that I think he must have eaten something he shouldn’t have. Then my brother spoke up and said that he dropped one of his blood pressure pills the night before and never did find it. I called the vet and told them that I was pretty sure he had eaten a blood pressure pill. They told me to pour peroxide down him until he vomited. Well we did that and he vomited and then I called the vet back and they said bring him in to get checked out. We took him to the vet and they ended up keeping him because his blood pressure was so low. They had to keep giving him blood pressure shots. That night I went and picked him up and he slept the rest of the night.

The fourth incident was last weekend and King is 10 months old. I had my brother Jesse, doing some work for me at my house while I had to run to town. As I got back and was going to pull in my driveway, a log truck was coming so I was going to wait until the log truck passed before I pulled into the driveway. Well King heard my car slow down and wantedto get out to greet me, but I was still in the road because of the log truck. Jesse got up to put King on his leash outside and before he got King on his leash, he jumped out of his arms and ran for my car. When he shot down the driveway and in the road, the log truck got him. It was a terrible sight; there he lay in the middle of the road. I had my brother to pick him out of the road and my dad started pecking on his heart because it quit beating. All of a sudden he started blinking his eyes. We rushed him to the vet and they checked him and couldn’t find anything broken and kept him all night. I went back the next morning and the vet seemed to think that he had just run into the tire of the log truck and it just knocked him out. He had taken a hard hit on the concrete and was sore for about a week, but he seems to be getting better everyday.

I just don’t know what is going to happen to that dog. He is always in to something and never still. I have always heard cats have nine lives, now I believe King does too. I do know he better slow down; he can’t have to many lives left.